The power of values

Happy Canada Day and Happy 4th of July to my fellow American friends.  Two countries so close to one another with similar attributes yet oh so different. 

Why is it so hard at times for people to care, love, and see each other’s positive aspects?  Part of it, is because we don’t share the same values.  And when we don’t share the same values each party may think they are in the right.  (of course, there are exceptions to many rules) 

When people’s values don’t align with someone else’s values we start to feel uneasy, even annoyed and mad.  People may become very defensive of their own values, closing up to any other possibility.  Sometimes people feel a connection with others because of similar values only to find out later that the value they shared didn’t have the same significant meaning.

Values are deeply rooted and passed on to us at a very young age.  Experiences we live throughout our lives help shape our values.  We see how our families are, we hear how our community lives and we feel a sense of belonging or…sometimes we don’t.  

Experiencing moments has the potential to create deeply-held values that we care about deeply, or it can lead to a new set of values that we feel are important to us.

Maybe you had a moment in your life (you may not even be aware of it now) that had a profound impact on you and today you have performance anxiety, as an example.   Maybe you make sure that all is perfect all the time.  You start to feel tired from feeling this way.  You realize that your parents may have demanded perfection from you or you think they did.  A value you may feel they passed on to you.  Today, you feel you don’t want to share that value, you don’t care for it, it’s not you.  But was is the value?  You still love your parents but this value is just not something you want to live by anymore. 

I believe what’s important is to understand our own personal values. Understand the meaning behind it, where it stems from and how it helps us live in our daily life or how we may want to push back.  Re-evaluating your values to better understand who you are can be a great tool for your personal life, work life, and more. 

When two people state that they have the same value, yet, something still doesn’t seem right in each others way of living, it’s important to understand the definition behind that value.

Ex. Success – A word I hear often from my clients.  “I wish to have a lot of success”  But what does success mean to you?  Some are happy with feeling successful in the work they do.  Others, tell me they wish to succeed in love, others in money.  These are still very broad statements.  

Be specific, success in school to receive “A’s”?  Or is it to be happy daily, do your best and get “C’s”?   Or Respect, how do you define respect?  Is it simply please and thank you’s or is it more?  Success in love? To find a partner to say you have someone?  Or to feel in love, respected and with the right person?

It’s important to define the words behind the values we hold dear to our souls.  It’s also important to be aware that it may not mean the same thing to others. 

We can also categorize our values.  Family values, business values, personal values…  Each category is defined however, the core of your soul will pop up in each category.  Your values are strong and alive.  Listen carefully!

Canada may be close to the USA.  I’ve heard, read, and seen many good and bad things coming from all sides of the border.  It all comes down to what we know, what we value, and our own experiences.  However, there’s also fear, lack of knowledge, personal emotional experiences, and doubts.  We are human and we don’t all know everything.  The key is to have compassion, and understanding.  And always remember that even if we don’t share the same values we can still be kind and respect each other.  I’ll say it again, even if you are kind it doesn’t mean you have to become best friends.  You are simply becoming aware.

Often, life brings people onto a positive journey when they open up and let a small spark of unconsciousness flourish. This will create an expansion of the conscious.  And seeing that change is quite remarkable.  

On that note, Happy celebrations.  Be proud of who you are and who you are becoming.

During an accompaniment with a client, I bring a safe environment to offer an expansion of the mind.  Respecting the client’s evolution I ask questions to contribute to their solutions towards a goal they may have difficulty reaching.    Often, clients, humans, tell themselves stories from past experiences, and emotions that may have caused pain and this keeps them from moving forward with reaching their goals.  Often, once the problem has been addressed, the subconscious mind offers clues and solutions to the conscious mind.  

The client often feels signs of release.  Which results in time to bring peace, harmony and happiness in their lives.

Lorsque je travaille avec un client, je crée un environnement sûr et favorable dans lequel il peut explorer ses pensées et ses sentiments. Respecter l’évolution du client et viser à l’aider à contribuer à ses solutions tout en respectant ses objectifs. Les clients racontent souvent des expériences et des émotions passées dans le but d’éviter d’aller de l’avant avec leurs objectifs. Souvent, lorsqu’un problème est résolu, l’esprit subconscient offre des indices et des solutions à l’esprit conscient. Le client éprouve souvent des sentiments de libération, ce qui lui permet de se ressentir la paix, l’harmonie et le bonheur dans sa vie

Melanie Kis is a professional certified NLP coach with over 10 years of experience in the health and wellness field.  She brings science, spirituality and experience to mind, body and soul. 

She guides women to find solutions to goals they want to achieve.  This can range from building self-confidence, overcoming burnout and stress, weight issues or achieving love for who they are.   To live in harmony, calm, happiness and feeling at peace is a possibility for all.


❤❤ It’s not just about the body.  My mission is to bring light, and expansion to align mind, body and soul to all women who seek evolution in their wellness for life, to bring wholeness.


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